¥4,620 (税込)
・M:背丈27cm、胸囲33 – 39cm、首周り23 – 26cm、パピヨン / ポメラニアンなど
・L:背丈31cm、胸囲39 – 45cm、首周り26 – 29cm、トイプードル / シーズーなど
・2L:背丈36cm、胸囲46 – 53cm、首周り29 – 32cm、パグ / キャバリアなど
・3L:背丈39.5cm、胸囲53 – 59cm、首周り35 – 38cm、柴犬 / シェルティなど
Kappy loves vegetables so much.
We made Kappy’s Dog T-shirts!!!
The design is Kappy with his most favorite tomato.
You can choose the colour from black, grey, blue etc. (The photo’s colour is yellow).
As for the size,
*M: height 27cm, chest circumference 33 – 39cm, neck circumference 23 – 26cm, for Papillon, Pomeranian etc.
*L: height 31cm, chest circumference 39 – 45cm, neck circumference 26 – 29cm, for Toy Poodle, Shih Tzu etc.
*2L: height 36cm, chest circumference 46 – 53cm, neck circumference 29 – 32cm, for Pug, Cavalier etc.
*3L: height 39.5cm, chest circumference 53 – 59cm, neck circumference 35 – 38cm, for Shiba Inu, Sheltie etc.

購入について / About purchase
You can buy this item at PY Kobo branch.
*Prices may vary depending on size and color, so please check the purchase page.
やさい大好き!かっぱ(?)のカピーシリーズ / Love vegetables! Kappa(?) Kappy series
