Frogbetty [Free zodiac colouring] Frogbetty the Frog Fairy Frogbetty the Scorpio with the stars / 星とさそり座のフロッグ... FrogbettyPY Kobo Charactersぬりえ / Colouring
Frogbert [Free zodiac colouring] Frogbert the Frog Fairy Frogbert the Taurus with the stars / 星とおうし座のフロッグバー... FrogbertPY Kobo Charactersぬりえ / Colouring
Pierre [Free zodiac colouring] Pierre the Little Pierrot Pierre the Virgo with the stars / 星とおとめ座のピエールEngli... PY Kobo CharactersPierreぬりえ / Colouring
Kappy [Free zodiac colouring] Kappy the Kappa (?) Kappy the Gemini with the stars / 星とふたご座のカピーEnglis... KappyPY Kobo Charactersぬりえ / Colouring
Minty [Free zodiac colouring] Minty the Rabbit fairy Minty the Cancer with the stars / 星とかに座のミンティーEngli... MintyPY Kobo Charactersぬりえ / Colouring
Dolly [Free zodiac colouring] Dolly the dragon fairy Dolly the Sagittarius with the stars / 星といて座のドリーEn... DollyPY Kobo Charactersぬりえ / Colouring
Charley [Free zodiac colouring] Charley the brown bear Charley the Libra with the stars / 星とてんびん座のチャーリーEn... CharleyPY Kobo Charactersぬりえ / Colouring
Bob [Free zodiac colouring] Bob the polar bear Bob the Libra with the stars / 星とてんびん座のボブEnglishA ... BobPY Kobo Charactersぬりえ / Colouring
Max [Free zodiac colouring] Max the mayor Max the Scorpio with the stars / 星とさそり座のマックスEnglis... MaxPY Kobo Charactersぬりえ / Colouring
Lucky [Free zodiac colouring] Lucky the onigiri fairy Lucky the Leo with the starsEnglishA colouring ite... LuckyPY Kobo Charactersぬりえ / Colouring