Let’s know about Phat Kaphrao Gai! / パッガパオガイを知ろう!

What kind of food are we going to talk about today?

I want to eat Phat Kaphrao Gai.

It’s a famous Thai rice dish, isn’t is? In Japan, we arrange it and call it Gapao rice.

Yes, holy basil and minced meat stir fry served with rice, it looks very delicious!
Origin of Phat Kaphrao / パッガパオガイの起源

In the Thai language, “phat” of “Phat Kaphrao Gai” means stir-fry, “Kaphrao (gapao)” means holy basil, and “gai” means chicken.
Phat Kaphrao Gai (stir-fried chicken with holy basil) is one of the variations of Phat Kaphrao (stir-fried holy basil).
In Japan, an arrangement of Phat Kaphrao Gai is called “Gapao rice.”
Phat Kaphrao is said to have its origins in a dish that won a prize at a cultural contest held in Thailand during World War II.
In addition to Phat Kaphrao, the English notation for Phat Kaphrao is Pad Krapow, Pad Kaprao, or Pad Gaprao.
パッガパオの英語表記は、Phat Kaphraoの他に、Pad Krapow, Pad Kaprao, or Pad Gapraoがあります。
How to cook / 作り方
The general way to make Phat Kaphrao is as follows.
- Beat the garlic and red chili pepper to crush them well.
- Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, add the garlic and red chili pepper and fry until fragrant, then add the minced chicken and heat through. If you don’t like minced meat, substitute soybean meat or tofu.
- Add the oyster sauce and fish sauce (or light soy sauce and lemon juice if you don’t have it) and season evenly, then add the holy basil (or sweet basil if you don’t have it) and stir-fry lightly. When the leaves are wilted, it’s ready.
- Arrange the rice, Phat Kaphrao made in Step 3, and fried eggs on a plate.
- ニンニクと赤唐辛子を叩いてよく潰します。
- フライパンにサラダ油を入れて熱し、ニンニクと赤唐辛子を入れて炒め、香りが出たら鶏ひき肉を入れて火を通します。ひき肉が苦手な場合は、大豆ミートや豆腐を代用します。
- オイスターソースとナンプラー(なければ、薄口醤油とレモン汁)を加えて全体に均一に味をつけたら、ホーリーバジル(なければ、スイートバジル)を入れ、軽く炒めます。葉がしんなりしたら出来上がり。
- ご飯、3で作ったパッガパオ、目玉焼きをお皿に盛りつけます。
Nutrition / 栄養
- Minced chicken contains lots of animal protein.
- Soybean meat and tofu are rich in vegetable protein.
- Vegetables such as onions and green peppers are rich in dietary fiber, which is said to help improve the intestinal environment.
- 鶏ひき肉には、動物性タンパク質がたくさん含まれています。
- 大豆ミートや豆腐は、植物性タンパク質が豊富です。
- タマネギやピーマンなどの野菜には、食物繊維が豊富に含まれており、腸内環境の改善を助けると言われています。
Variations of Phat Kaphrao dishes / パットガパオ料理のバリエーション
Thoughts / 感想

The scent of basil and the fried chicken look delicious.

Fried eggs too! I want to make it with tofu.
Special thanks / 感謝
- Food photos by Wikimedia Commons
- Featured image by sakazaki-san
- Thailand image by MelChang-san