Trouble breathing / 呼吸が苦しい

アロマ&ハーブ / Aroma & Herb

“Eneki”; a pressure point under the armpit / わきの下にあるツボ『淵腋』(えんえき)

"Eneki"; a pressure point under the armpit / わきの下に...
アロマ&ハーブ / Aroma & Herb

“Daitsui” a pressure point that warms the whole body / 身体全身を温めてくれるツボ『大椎』(だいつい)

"Daitsui" a pressure point that warms the whole bo...
アロマ&ハーブ / Aroma & Herb

“Shakutaku” a pressure point to relieve cough / 咳(せき)をラクにするツボ『尺沢』(しゃくたく)

"Shakutaku" a pressure point to relieve cough / 咳(...
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