【クール】whatever… どうでもいい…スタンダードTシャツ / [Cool] whatever… Standard T-shirt

¥3,784 (税込)~


A simple and cool “whateve…” T-shirt is now available! ! ! The front side has the English word “whatever written on it, and the back side has the Japanese wordどうでもいい written on it.

It’s a daily occurrence to think, “I don’t care.” It’s not like you’re depressed or giving up, but there are times when you feel like that. If you say, “whatever,” change your mind and move forward!

This “whatever…” T-shirt supports those who work hard every day!

Colour options include white, yellow, light pink, light blue, mixed grey etc. (The photo is white.)

Sizes are S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL, G-S (Ladies), G-M (Ladies), G-L (Ladies), 90 (Kids), 100 (Kids), 110 (Kids), 120 (Kids), 130 (Kids), 140 (Kids), 150 (Kids), 160 (Kids).


シンプルでクールな「whatever… どうでもいい…」Tシャツができました!!!オモテ面には英語「whateverウラ面には日本語「どうでもいいがデザインされています。


この「whatever… どうでもいい…」Tシャツは、日々がんばる人々を応援します!




* Available on the SUZURI sales site

* Prices may vary depending on size and color, so please check the sales page.

* There are other goods such as notebooks, T-shirts, and baby products.





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