Sanskrit & Buddhist deities -wishing something happy!

Bonji and Buddhist deities

Here we introduce Bonji (Sanskrit Seed) and Buddhist deities adopted as designs at PY Kobo.
At the end of this page, we will also introduce “Bonji (Sanskrit Seed) to choose by wishes” and “Recommended items”, so please refer to them when choosing items.

What is Bonji?

Bonji is a sacred character that represents Shinto and Buddha in one character. In a broad sense, it refers to the Brahmi script of ancient India, but in a narrow sense, it refers to Sanskrit. Also Sanskrit characters mean characters created by Brahma. In PY Kobo, Bonji means the Sanskrit characters.

A variant of the Siddha‐mātṛkā script developed from the Brahmi script was transmitted from China to Japan along with Buddhism. These Bonji characters are called “悉曇文字Shittan-moji” (Siddhaṃ script). In India, the Devanagari script, which is more advanced than the Siddha‐mātṛkā script, is used today.

PY Kobo creates accessories and designs using Sanskrit characters, which are called the Siddhaṃ script. We introduce Buddhist deities, who are related in Sanskrit characters, and profits. By all means, please refer to them when choosing items.


Bonji (Sanskrit Seed) and Buddhist deities’ profits

There are more than 1,800 Buddhist deities in the mandala that has been handed down to Japan. Also there are NYORAI (Tathagata), BOSATSU (Bodhisattva), MYOOH (Kings of Mystical Knowledge), TENBU (Divine Beings), and other groups in the Buddhist deities.

Benefit is the blessings and good luck that deity and Buddha give to humans. Depending on your wishes, you may be recovering from sickness or fulfilling your studies. The Buddhist deities also have individualities, and the blessings they have given are truly diverse.

We introduce the main blessings of Buddhist deities, so that you can be more happy by knowing the Buddhist deities who give you benefits that match your wishes.

NYORAI (Tathagata) Group

We introduce Nyorai (Tathagata) and blessings.The term “Buddha” mean to awaken, and is widely recognized Tathagata (Sanskrit) or Nyorai (Japanese) in Japan.
In the world of Buddha, there are the Kongokai (Diamond World) and Taizokai (Womb World). Dainichi Nyorai, who is considered to be the highest Buddha in the world of esotericism, inhabits each world, and therefore we describes three types of Sanskrit characters.

About NYORAI GroupDainichiKongokai DainichiTaizokai DainichiRubishanaShakaAmidaYakushiAshuku

hotoke_yakushinyoraiThe enlightened Buddha is characterized by the unadorned clothing and the spiral hairstyle.

Nyorai (Tathagata)
Shaka Nyorai (Gautama), Ashuku Nyorai (Akshobhya), Dainichi Nyorai (Mahavairocana), Amida Nyorai (Amitabha), Yakushi Nyorai (Bhaiṣajyaguru) etc.

Dainichi Nyorai (大日如来だいにちにょらい)
bonji_dainichinyoirai-banSanskrit name: Mahāvairocana
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Ban
Explanation: Cosmic Buddha, wears a crown and necklace. Central deity among the Five Buddha of Wisdom (Five Tathagata). As the patron deity (Honzon 本尊ほんぞん) for those who born in the Oriental zodiac years of the Sheep and the Monkey.
Blessings: Guardian (Shugo 守護しゅご), Security (Antai 安泰あんたい), Better fortune (Kaiun 開運かいうん), Wish (Ganjyo 願成がんじょう)
Famous temple: Enjoji 円成寺えんじょうじ (Nara prefecture)

Mantra: On basara dado ban (おん ばざら だど ばん)

Kongokai Dainichi Nyorai (金剛界大日如来こんごうかいだいにちにょらい)
bonji_dainichi-baanku01Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Baanku
Explanation: Symbolizes the wisdom needed to gain enlightenment.
Blessings: Achievement (Tassei 達成たっせい), Wisdom (Chie 智慧ちえ)
Famous temple: Enjoji 円成寺えんじょうじ (Nara prefecture)

Mantra: On bazara dado ban (おん ばざら だど ばん in Japanese)

Taizokai Dainichi Nyorai (胎蔵界大日如来たいぞうかいだいにちにょらい)
bonji_dainichi-aanku01Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): aanku
Explanation: Symbolizes the infinite spread of mercy.
Blessings: Good Luck (Kouun 幸運こううん), Huge harvest (Houjyo 豊穣ほうじょう)
Famous temple: Myourakuji 妙楽寺みょうらくじ (Chiba prefecture)

Mantra: Naumaku sanmanda bodanan abiraunken (なうまく さんまんだ ぼだなん あびらうんけん)

Birushana Nyorai (毘盧遮那如来びるしゃなにょらい)
bonji_birushana-a01Sanskrit name: Vairocana
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): A
Explanation: Buddha’s psychology itself. Rubishana Nyorai is also called Rushanabutsu (盧舎那仏るしゃなぶつ) and is said to represent the sun.
Blessings: Security (Antai 安泰あんたい), Good luck (Kouun 幸運こううん), Better fortune (Kaiun 開運かいうん), Wish (Ganjyo 願成がんじょう)
Famous temple: Todaiji Temple 東大寺とうだいじ (Nara prefecture)

Mantra: Naumaku sanmanda bodanan abiraunken (なうまく さんまんだ ぼだなん あびらうんけん)

Shaka Nyorai (釈迦如来しゃかにょらい)
bonji_shakanyorai-baku01Sanskrit name: Sakyamuni
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Baku
Explanation: Gotama Siddhattha who was a prince of ancient India, attained enlightenment and became the founder of Buddhism. Oshaka-sama (お釈迦しゃかさま) in Japanese. It is said that Shaka Nyorai leads us to enlightenment.
Blessings: Longevity (Chojyu 長寿ちょうじゅ), Guardian (Shugo 守護しゅご), Achievement (Tassei 達成たっせい), Wisdom (Chie 智慧ちえ)
Famous Temple: Horyuji 法隆寺ほうりゅうじ (Nara prefecture)

Mantra: Naumaku samanda bodanan Baku (なうまく さまんだ ぼだなん ばく)

Amida Nyorai (阿弥陀如来あみだにょらい)
bonji_amidanyorai-kiriikuSanskrit name: Amitabha
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Kiriiku
Explanation: Buddha of Infinite Light and Life. The ruler of the Western Pure Land called the Land of Happiness (Gokurakujodo 極楽浄土ごくらくじょうど) in Buddhism. It is said Amida Noray leads the deceased to the Land of Happiness.
As one of the 13 Buddha (Jūsanbutsu 十三仏じゅうさんぶつ).
As one of the Five Tathagata of Wisdom (Gochi Norai 五智如来ごちにょらい).
As the patron deity (Honzon 本尊ほんぞん) for those who born in the Oriental zodiac years of the Dog and the Boar.
Blessings: Security (Antai 安泰あんたい), Longevity (Chojyu 長寿ちょうじゅ), Warding off evil (Yakuyoke 厄除やくよけ), Future life in Buddhism (Raise 来世らいせ)
Famous temple: Byodoin Ho-oh-doh 平等院鳳凰堂びょうどういんほうおうどう (Kyoto)

Mantra: On amirita tei zei kara un (おん あみりた てい ぜい から うん)

Yakushi Nyorai (薬師如来やくしにょらい)
bonji_yakushinyorai-bei01Sanskrit name: Bhaiṣajyaguru
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Bei
Explanation: Another name is Yakushirurikou Nyoyai 薬師瑠璃光如来やくしるりこうにょらい. Yakushi Nyorai lives in the seventh of the seven eastern Pure Lands. It is said that Yakushi Nyorai helps and provides peace to those who are ill in this world. Yakushi Nyorai has a medicine pot in his hand.
As one of the 13 Buddha (Jūsanbutsu 十三仏じゅうさんぶつ).
As one of Seven Forms of Yakushi (Shichibutsu-yakushi 七仏薬師しちぶつやくし).
Blessings: Longevity (Chojyu 長寿ちょうじゅ), Safe child birth (Anzan 安産あんざん), Warding off evil (Yakuyoke 厄除やくよけ), Cure of the illness (Byouki-heiyu 病気平癒へいゆ) (Especially eye disease)
Famous temple: Sinyakushiji 新薬師寺しんやくしじ (Nara prefecture)

Mantra: On korokoro sendari matougi sowaka (おん ころころ せんだり まとうぎ そわか)

Ashuku Nyorai (阿閃如来あしゅくにょらい)
bonji_ashukunyorai-un01Sanskrit name: Akṣobhya
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Un
Explanation: Imperturbable Buddha. In esoteric Buddhism, Ashuku Nyorai protects the East as the Buddha located on all four sides around Dainichi Nyorai. It is said Ashuku Nyorai gives a strong heart to overcome hesitation.
As one of the Five Tathagata of Wisdom (Gochi Norai 五智如来ごちにょらい).
As one of Four Buddha of Four Directions (Shihou-shibutu 四方四仏しほうしぶつ) in Golden Light Sutra (Konkomyo-kyo Sutra 金光明経こんこうみょうきょう).
Blessings: Strong will (Fuwaku 不惑ふわく), Robustness (Kyuoken 強健きょうけん), Health (Kenkou 健康けんこう), Cure of the illness (Byouki-heiyu 病気平癒へいゆ)
Famous temple: Toji temple 東寺とうじ (Kyoto)

Mantra: On akishubiya un (おん あきしゅびや うん)


We introduce the main BOSATSU (Bodhisattva) and blessings in two parts.

BOSATSU (Bodhisattva) Part 1

About BOSATSU GroupMirokuKannonShokannonJuichimenSenjuBatouNyoirinJuntei

hotoke_bosatsu_gekkouThose who are training for the purpose of enlightenment, are characterized by wearing ornaments such as crowns and necklaces.

BOSATSU (Bodhisattva)
Kannon Bosatsu (Avalokitesvara), Kokuzo Bosatsu(Akasagarbha), Miroku Bosatu(Maitreya), Monju Bosatsu(Manjushri), Fugen Bosatu(Samantabhadra) etc..

Miroku Bosatsu (弥勒菩薩みろくぼさつ)
bonji_mirokubosatsu-yu02Sanskrit name: Maitreya
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Yu
Explanation: It is said that he will give people the merits of this world’s interest while practicing to become Nyorai.
Blessings: Salvation in the afterlife
Famous temple: Chusonji 中宮寺ちゅうぐうじ (Nara prefecture)

Mantra: On Maitareiya sowaka (おん まいたれいや そわか)

Kannon Bosatsu (観音菩薩かんのんぼさつ)
bonji_kannonbosatsu-sa02Sanskrit name: Avalokiteśvara
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Sa
Explanation:Also known as Kanzeon Bosatsu (観世音菩薩かんぜおんぼさつ). It is said that it will change into six different shapes and save the people of the Rokudo world (六道ろくどう).
Blessings: Salvation of all desires and distress
Famous temple: Daihouonji 大報恩寺だいほうおんじ (Kyoto prefecture) *Important cultural property

Mantra: On Arorikiya sowaka (おん あろりきや そわか)

Shokannon Bosatsu (聖観音菩薩しょうかんのんぼさつ)
bonji_shoukannon-sa02Sanskrit name: āvalokiteśvara
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Sa
Explanation: Kannon Bosatsu. It is said to save the people of the Rokudo world of hell.
Blessings: Afterlife (Raise 来世らいせ), Warding off evil (Yakuyoke 厄除やくよけ), Better fortune (Kaiun 開運rt>かいうん), Wish (Ganjyo 願成がんじょう)
Famous temple: Asakusaji 浅草寺あさくさじ (Tokyo)

Mantra: On Arorikiya Sowaka (おん あろりきや そわか)

JuichimenKannon (十一面観音じゅういちめんかんのん)
bonji_jyuichimenkannon-kya02Sanskrit name: Ekadaśamukha
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Kya
Explanation: Kannon who has 11 different faces on his head and is watching all directions. It is said that the transformation of Kannon Bodhisattva will save those who are lost in the Asura world (Ashura-kai 阿修羅界あしゅらかい) of Rokudo.
Blessings: Security (Antai 安泰あんたい), Cure of the illness (Byouki-heiyu 病気平癒びょうきへいゆ), Huge harvest (Houjyo 豊穣ほうじょう), Victory (Shouri 勝利しょうり)
Famous temple: Kannonji 観音寺かんおんじ (Kyoto) *National treasure

Mantra: On Rokeijinbara Kiriku Sowaka (おん ろけいじんばら きりく そわか)

Senjukannon bosatsu (千手観音菩薩せんじゅかんのんぼさつ)
bonji_senjukannon-kiriiku02Sanskrit name: Sahasrabhuja
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Kiriiku
Explanation: Kannon with eleven faces and 1,000 hands. It is said that the transformation of Kannon Bodhisattva will help those who are lost in the hungry spirits world (Gaki-kai (餓鬼界がきかい) of the Rokudo worlds.
Blessings: Cure of the illness (Byouki-heiyu 病気平癒びょうきへいゆ), Longevity (Chojyu 長寿ちょうじゅ), Success of Love (Renai Jyouju 恋愛成就れんあいじょうじゅ), Wish (Ganjyo 願成がんじょう)
Famous temple: Sanjyusangengou 三十三間堂さんじゅうさんげんどう (Kyoto)

Mantra: On Bazara tarama Kiriku (おん ばざら たらま きりく)

Batoukannon (馬頭観音菩薩ばとうかんのんぼさつ)
bonji_batoukannon-uun02Sanskrit name: Hayagrīva
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Uun
Explanation: Guardian Buddha of animals. It’s characterized by its angry face, and is said to save those lost in the animal world of the Rikudo worlds.
Blessings: Guardian (Shugo 守護しゅご), Warding off evil (Yakuyoke 厄除やくよけ), Traffic safety (Koutsu Anzen 交通安全こうつうあんぜん), Animal protection (Doubutsu Shugo 動物守護どうぶつしゅご)
Famous temple: Magoji 馬居寺まごじ (Fukui prefecture) *Important cultural property

Mantra: On Amiritodoban Un Batta Sowaka (おん あみりとどばん うん ばった そわか)

Nyoirinkannon (如意輪観音にょいりんかんのん)
bonji_nyoirinkannon-kiriku02Sanskrit name: Cintāmaṇicakra
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Kiriku
Explanation: It is said that he is a transformation of Kannon Bodhisattva and rescues those who are lost in the Heavenly World of the Rokudo worlds and gives people happiness and treasures, and crushes their anguish.
Blessings: Safe child birth (Anzan 安産あんざん), Huge harvest (Houjyo 豊穣ほうじょう), Longevity (Chojyu 長寿ちょうじゅ), Wisdom (Chie 智慧ちえ)
Famous Temple: Kanshinji 観心寺かんしんじ (Osaka) *National treasure

Mantra: On Handoma Shindamani Jinbara Un (おん はんどま しんだまに じんばら うん)

Junteikannon (准胝観音じゅんていかんのん)
bonji_junteikannon-bo02Sanskrit name: Cundī
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Bo
Explanation: Originally the goddess Durga, the princess of Lord Shiva in Hinduism. It is said that it symbolizes motherhood and confers a compassionate cleanliness. Another name is Shichikuteibutsumo (七倶胝仏母しちくていぶつも).
Blessings: Pregnancy (Kosazuke 子授こさずけ), Safe child birth (Anzan 安産あんざん), Guardian (Shugo 守護しゅご), Purification (Jyouka 浄化じょうか)
Famous temple: Daigoji 醍醐寺だいごじ (Kyoto)*World Heritage

Mantra: On sharei Juntei Sowaka (おん しゃれい しゅれい じゅんてい そわか)

BOSATSU Group Part2

Monju Bosatsu (文殊菩薩もんじゅぼさつ)
bonji_monjubosatsu-man02Sanskrit name: Mañjuśrī
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Man
Explanation: According to the saying, “Two heads are better than one,” Bodhisattva riding a lion famous for wisdom and learning. As the patron deity (Honzon 本尊ほんぞん) for those who born in the Oriental zodiac years of the Rabbit.
Blessings: Success in entrance examinations (Goukaku 合格ごうかく), Academic achievement (Gakugyo Jyoju 学業成就がくぎょうじょうじゅ), Better fortune (Kaiun 開運かいうん), Wisdom (Chie 智慧ちえ)
Famous temple: Abe Monjuin 安倍文殊院あべもんじゅいん (Nara prefecture) *National Treasure

Mantra: On Arahasha Nou (おん あらはしゃ のう)

Fugen Bosatsu (普賢菩薩ふげんぼさつ)
bonji_fugenbosatsu-an02Sanskrit name: Samantabhadra
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): An
Explanation: A bodhisattva who rides on an elephant, and is said to appear everywhere and save life. As the patron deity (Honzon 本尊ほんぞん) for those who born in the Oriental zodiac years of the Dragon and the Snake.
Blessings: Guardian (Shugo 守護しゅご), Longevity (Chojyu 長寿ちょうじゅ), Better fortune (Kaiun 開運かいうん), Wisdom (Chie 智慧ちえ)
Famous temple: Ookura Shukokan大倉集古館おおくらしゅうこかん (Tokyo) *National Treasure

Mantra: On Sanmaiya Satoban (おん さんまいや さとばん)

Jizou Bosatsu (地蔵菩薩じぞうぼさつ)
bonji_jizobosatsu-ka02Sanskrit name: Kṣitigarbha
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Ka
Explanation: A bodhisattva who is famous for Ojizo-san (お地蔵じぞうさん), which is said to be the incarnation of Enma Daio. It is said to envelop and save people with a great heart of compassion.
Blessings: Safe child birth (Anzan 安産あんざん), Huge harvest (Houjyo 豊穣ほうじょう), Traffic safety (Koutsu Anzen 交通安全こうつうあんぜん), Health (Kenkou 健康けんこう)
Famous temple: Horyuji 法隆寺ほうりゅうじ (Nara prefecture) *National Treasure

Mantra: On Kakaka Bisanmaei Sowaka (おん かかか びさんまえい そわか)

Seishi Bosatsu (勢至菩薩せいしぼさつ)
bonji_seishibosatsu-saku02Sanskrit name: Mahāsthāmaprāpta
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Saku
Explanation: It is said that the light of wisdom illuminates everything to save people from hesitation and suffering. As the patron deity (Honzon 本尊ほんぞん) for those who born in the Oriental zodiac years of the Horse.
Blessings: Wish (Ganjyo 願成がんじょう), Family (Kazoku 家族かぞく), Warding off evil (Yakuyoke 厄除やくよけ), Wisdom (Chie 智慧ちえ)
Famous Temple: Ninnaji 仁和寺にんなじ (Kyoto) *National Treasure

Mantra: On Sanzansaku Sowaka (おん さんざんさく そわか)

Kokuzo Bosatsu (虚空蔵菩薩こくうぞうぼさつ)
bonji_kokuuzoubosatsu-taraaku02Sanskrit name: Ākāśagarbha
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Taraaku
Explanation: It is said that he is the Bodhisattva who controls the two virtues of the goodness of Dainichi Nyorai, and he gives people infinite wisdom and compassion. As the patron deity (Honzon 本尊ほんぞん) for those who born in the Oriental zodiac years of the Ox and the Tiger.
Blessings: Achievement (Tassei 達成たっせい), Skill improvement (Gigei Jyotatsu 技芸上達ぎげいじょうたつ), Academic achievement (Gakugyo Jyoju 学業成就がくぎょうじょうじゅ), Wisdom (Chie 智慧ちえ)
Famous temple: Jingoji Tahoutou 神護寺多宝塔じんごじたほうとう (Kyoto) *National Treasure (Special release only)

Mantra: On Basara Aratannou On Taraku Sowaka (おん ばさら あらたんのう おん たらく そわか)

Nikko Bosatsu (日光菩薩にっこうぼさつ)
bonji_nikkoubosatsu-a02Sanskrit name: Suryaprabha
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): A
Explanation: Bodhisattva is enshrined as Yakushi Nyorai’s left armor. It is said to illuminate the sunlight and eliminate the darkness of suffering.
Blessings: Good luck (Kouun 幸運こううん), Cure of the illness (Byouki-heiyu 病気平癒びょうきへいゆ), Health (Kenkou 健康けんこう), Warding off evil (Yakuyoke 厄除やくよけ)
Famous temple: Yakushiji 薬師寺やくしじ(Nara prefecture) *National Treasure

Mantra: On Soriya Harabaya Sowaka (おん そりや はらばや そわか)

Gekko Bosatsu (月光菩薩げっこうぼさつ)
bonji_gekkoubosatsu-sha02Sanskrit name: Candraprabha
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Sha
Explanation: Bodhisattva is enshrined as the right armor of Yakushi Nyorai. It is said that he will remove the anxiety with the kindness of the moonlight.
Blessings: Warding off evil (Yakuyoke 厄除やくよけ), Cure of the illness (Byouki-heiyu 病気平癒びょうきへいゆ), Security (Antai 安泰あんたい), Longevity (Chojyu 長寿ちょうじゅ)
Famous temple: Todaiji Temple 東大寺とうだいじ (Nara prefecture) *National Treasure

Mantra: On Sendara Harabaya Sowaka (おん せんだら はらばや そわか)

Yakuo Bosatsu (薬王菩薩やくおうぼさつ)
bonji_yakuouyakujyoubosatsu-bei02Sanskrit name: Bhaisajyaraja
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Bei
Explanation: Yakujo Bosatsu’s older brother. He is said to be enshrined as a side samurai of Shaka Nyorai and cures both physical and mental health of people with medicine.
Blessings: Health (Kenkou 健康けんこう), Longevity (Chojyu 長寿ちょうじゅ), Warding off evil (Yakuyoke 厄除やくよけ), Cure of the illness (Byouki-heiyu 病気平癒びょうきへいゆ)
Famous Temple: Kofukuji 興福寺こうふくじ (Nara prefecture) *Important cultural property

Mantra: On Biseishara Jyaya Sowaka (おん びせいしゃら じゃや そわか)

Yakujo Bosatsu (薬上菩薩やくじょうぼさつ)
bonji_yakuouyakujyoubosatsu-bei02Sanskrit name: Bhaisajyasumudgata
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Bei
Explanation: Yakuo Bosatsu’s younger brother. He is enshrined as a side samurai of Shaka Nyorai.
Blessings: Health (Kenkou 健康けんこう), Longevity (Chojyu 長寿ちょうじゅ), Warding off evil (Yakuyoke 厄除やくよけ), Cure of the illness (Byouki-heiyu 病気平癒びょうきへいゆ)
Famous temple: Horyuji 法隆寺ほうりゅうじ (Nara prefecture) *National Treasure

Mantra: On Biseishara Jyaya Sowaka (おん びせいしゃら じゃや そわか)

Myo-ou Group

We introduce the main Myo-ou and blessings.

About Myo-ou GroupFudoGōzanzeGundariDaiitokuKongōyashaUsusamaAizenDaigensuiKujakuShomenkongo
Myo-ou Group

hotoke_fudou_myououNyorai’s incarnation, characterized by terrifying features and weapons to guide the wrong people to the right path.

Myo-ou (Kings of Mystical Knowledge)
Fudo Myo-ou (Acalanatha), Aizen Myo-ou (Ragaraja), Kongōyasha Myo-ou (Vajrayaksha),Gundari Myo-ou (Kundali) etc.

Fudo Myo-ou (不動明王ふどうみょうおう)
bonji_fudoumyouou-kaan01bonji_fudoumyouou-kanmaan01Sanskrit name: Acalanatha
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Kan, Kanmaan
Explanation: Another name for the Lord Shiva in India, he is said to be an incarnation of Dainichi Nyorai, and will deliver to the heavens the purified wishes that have crushed anguish.
Blessings: Warding off evil (Yakuyoke 厄除やくよけ), Better fortune (Kaiun 開運かいうん), Certain Victory (Hisshou 必勝ひっしょう),Innocence (Fuwaku 不惑ふわく)
Famous temple: Touji Mieido 東寺御影堂とうじみえいどう (Kyoto) *National Treasure

Mantra: Naumaku Samanda Bazara Dan Kan (なうまく さまんだ ばざら だん かん)

Gōzanze Myo-ou (降三世明王ごうざんぜみょうおう)
bonji_gouzanzemyouou-un01Sanskrit name: Trilokavijaya
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Un
Explanation: It is said that he protects the Eastern Buddhist world and will get rid of the anxieties (desire, anger, complaints) existing in the past, present, and future world at the behest of Ashuku Nyorai (Akṣobhya).
Blessings: Guardian (Shugo 守護しゅご), Security (Antai 安泰あんたい), Innocence (Fuwaku 不惑ふわく), Annihilating the enemy (Metsuteki 滅敵めつてき)
Famous temple: Kongoji Kondo 金剛寺金堂こんごうじこんどう (Osaka) *National Treasure

Mantra: On Sonba Nisonba Un Bazara Un Batta (おん そんば にそんば うん ばざら うん ばった)

Gundari Myo-ou (軍荼利明王ぐんだりみょうおう)
bonji_gundarimyouou-un01Sanskrit name: Kundali
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Un
Explanation: It is said that he will protect the southern Buddhist World and remove various obstacles at the behest of Hosho Nyorai (Ratnasambhava).
Blessings: Longevity (Chojyu 長寿ちょうじゅ), Warding off evil (Yakuyoke 厄除やくよけ), Cure of the illness (Byouki-heiyu 病気平癒びょうきへいゆ), Innocence (Fuwaku 不惑ふわく)
Famous temple: Konshoji Nigatsudo 金勝寺二月堂こんしょうじにがつどう (Shiga prefecture) *Important cultural property

Mantra: On Amirithi Un Batta (おん あみりてぃ うん ばった)

Daiitoku Myo-ou (大威徳明王だいいとくみょうおう)
bonji_daiitokumyouou-kiriiku01Sanskrit name: Yamantaka
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Kiriiku
Explanation: Myo-ou with six faces and legs, who protects the western Buddhist World riding a buffalo. He is said to be strong enough to defeat poisonous snakes and evil dragons.
Blessings: Victory (Shouri 勝利しょうり), Innocence (Fuwaku 不惑ふわく), Annihilating the enemy (Metsuteki 滅敵めつてき), Warding off evil (Yakuyoke 厄除やくよけ)
Famous Temple: Makiodo 真木大堂まきおおどう (Oita prefecture) *Important cultural property

Mantra: On Shuchiri Kyararoha Unken Sowaka (おん しゅちり きゃらろは うんけん そわか)

Kongōyasha Myo-ou (金剛夜叉明王こんごうやしゃみょうおう)
bonji_kongouyashamyouou-uun01Sanskrit name: Vajrayaksha
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Uun
Explanation: It is said that he protects the northern Buddhist World, consume the bad desires of the past, present and future, and then cleanse the mind with the wisdom of the Buddha.
Blessings: Wisdom (Chie 智慧ちえ), Innocence (Fuwaku 不惑ふわく), Annihilating the enemy (Metsuteki 滅敵めつてき), Victory (Sensho 戦勝せんしょう)
Famous Temple: Enryakuji Kokuhoukan 延暦寺国宝館えんりゃくじこくほうかん (Shiga prefecture) *Important cultural property

Mantra: On Bazara Yakisha Un (おん ばざら やきしゃ うん)

Ususama Myo-ou (烏枢沙摩明王うすさまみょうおう)
bonji_kongouyashamyouou-uun01Sanskrit name:
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Uun
Explanation: It is said that he lives in the world of fire, called Kashozanmai (火生三昧かしょうざんまい), between the human world and the Buddhist World, and burns his anxieties and desires with holy flames. He is said to have the sacred power to purify the spirits, and it is also enshrined as the god of the toilet and kitchen.
Blessings: Luck of Money (Kinun (金運きんうん), Cure of the illness (Byouki-heiyu 病気平癒びょうきへいゆ), Purification (Jyouka 浄化じょうか), Warding off evil (Yakuyoke 厄除やくよけ)
Famous Temple: Zuiryoji 瑞龍寺ずいりょうじ (Toyama prefecture) *Prefecturally-designated important cultural property

Mantra: On Shurimarimamari Marishushuri Sowaka (おん しゅりまりままり まりしゅしゅり そわか)

Aizen Myo-ou (愛染明王あいぜんみょうおう)
bonji_shoumenkongou-un01Sanskrit name: Ragaraja
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Un
Explanation: It is said that he will guide lust and anxiety to enlightenment, and save various worries. The god of love.
Blessings: Health (Kenkou 健康けんこう), Family (Kazoku 家族かぞく), Good match (Ryouen 良縁りょうえん), Success of Love (Renai Jyouju 恋愛成就れんあいじょうじゅ)
Famous Temple: Saidaiji Aizendo 西大寺愛染堂さいだいじあいぜんどう (Nara prefecture) *Important cultural property

Mantra: On Makaragya Bazaroushunisha Bazarasatoba Jyakuun Bankoku (おん まからぎゃ ばざろうしゅにしゃ ばざらさとば じゃくうん ばんこく)

Daigensui Myo-ou (大元帥明王だいげんすいみょうおう)
bonji_daigensuimyouou-a01Sanskrit name: Āṭavaka
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): A
Explanation: He protects the nation with tremendous power.
Blessings: Security (Antai 安泰あんたい), Guardian (Shugo 守護しゅご), Annihilating the enemy (Metsuteki 滅敵めつてき), Victory (Sensho 戦勝せんしょう)
Famous Temple: Akishinodera 秋篠寺あきしのでら (Nara prefecture)

Mantra: Noubou Tari Tabori Barabori Shakinmei Tarasantan Oenbi Sowaka (のうぼう たり たぼり ばらぼり しゃきんめい たらさんたん おえんび そわか)

Kujaku Myo-ou (孔雀明王くじゃくみょうおう)
bonji_kujakumyouou-ma01Sanskrit name: Mahamayuri
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Ma
Explanation: Beautiful Myo-ou riding a peacock. He is said to bring happiness away from anxiety, suffering and fear.
Blessings: Warding off evil (Yakuyoke 厄除やくよけ), Purification (Jyouka 浄化じょうか), Longevity (Chojyu 長寿ちょうじゅ), Cure of the illness (Byouki-heiyu 病気平癒びょうきへいゆ)
Famous Temple: Kouyasan Kongoubuji 高野山金剛峯寺こうやさんこんごうぶじ (Wakayama prefecture) *Important cultural property

Mantra: On Mayura Kirandei Sowaka (おん まゆら きらんでい そわか)

Kujaku Myo-ou (青面金剛明王しょうめんこんごうみょうおう)
bonji_shoumenkongou-un01Sanskrit name:
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Un
Explanation: Yasha god derived from the teaching of Chinese Taoism. He is known as the principal deity of Koshin-ko (organizations celebrating Koshin), an event that enshrines Shinto and Buddhist deities on the day of Koshin by Japanese folk belief.
Blessings: Guardian (Shugo 守護しゅご), Security (Antai 安泰あんたい), Health (Kenkou 健康けんこう), Warding off evil (Yakuyoke 厄除やくよけ)
Famous Temple: Toji Temple 東大寺とうだいじ (Nara prefecture) *Important cultural property

Mantra: On Deiba Yakisha Banda Banda Kakakaka Sowaka (おん でいば やきしゃ ばんだ ばんだ かかかか そわか)


We introduce the main Tenbu (Hindu demi-gods) and blessings in two parts.

TENBU (Hindu demi-gods) Part1

About TENBU GroupBontenTaishakutenKongorikishiBishamontenKisshotenKankitenBenzaitenKishimojin

hotoke_taisyakutenThey are gods who have been devoted to the Buddha and are derived from Hinduism in India. “Tenjiku” means “India”.

TENBU (Hindu demi-gods)
Benzaiten (Governs music and arts), Daikokuten (god of wealth and farmers), Bishamonten (god of warriors), Kisshouten (goddess of Happiness), Marishiten (goddess of Wealth, War), Taishakuten (god of the Center) etc.

Bonten (梵天ぼんてん)
bonji_bonten-bora02Sanskrit name: Brahman
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Bora
Explanation: Originated from Brahma, the highest god of ancient India.He is a guardian deity of Buddhist law and is famous for riding a geese.
Blessings: Achievement (Tassei 達成たっせい), Successful career (出世しゅっせ), Security (Antai 安泰あんたい), Guardian (Shugo 守護しゅご)
Famous temple: Toji Koudo 東寺講堂とうじこうどう (Nara prefecture) *National Treasure

Mantra: Naumaku Samanda Bodanan Borakanmanei Sowaka (なうまく さまんだ ぼだなん ぼらかんまねい そわか)

Taishakuten (帝釈天たいしゃくてん)
bonji_taishakuten-i02Sanskrit name: Indra
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): I
Explanation: Originated from Indra, a hero of ancient Indian mythology. Famous for riding a white elephant. It is said that he will watch over everything that lives from the summit of Mount Shumisen in the Buddhist world.
Blessings: Successful career (Shusse 出世しゅっせ), Good Luck (Kouun 幸運こううん), Warding off evil (Yakuyoke 厄除やくよけ), Victory (Shouri 勝利しょうり)
Famous temple: Toji Koudo 東寺講堂とうじこうどう (Nara prefecture) *National Treasure

Mantra: Naumaku Samanda Bodanan Indaraya Sowaka (なうまく さまんだ ぼだなん いんだらや そわか)

Kongorikishi (金剛力士こんごうりきし)
bonji_kongourikishi-uun02Sanskrit name: Vajrapāṇi
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): A, Uun
Explanation: Originated from Vajradhara of the ancient Indian myth. A guardian deity with a Kongosho, which is a weapon that dispels enemies against Buddhism. There are statues of “Agata” with open mouth and “Ungata” with closed mouth.
Blessings: Guardian (Shugo 守護しゅご), Warding off evil (Yakuyoke 厄除やくよけ), Annihilating the enemy (Metsuteki 滅敵めつてき), Robustness (Kyuoken 強健きょうけん)
Famous temple: Todaiji Minami-mon 東大寺南大門とうだいじみなみだいもん (Nara prefecture) *National Treasure

Agata Mantra: Namasamandaba Saranan Toradarisei Makarishyanakyanasesarubadataagyatanen Kurosowaka (なまさまんだば さらなん とらだりせい まかろしやなきゃなせさるばだたあぎゃたねん くろそわか)

Ungata Mantra: Namasamandaba Saranan Keiabimokya Makaharasendakyanayakinjiraya Samase Samase Mansanmara Sowaka (なまさまんだば さらなん けいあびもきゃ まかはらせんだきゃなやきんじらや さませ さませ まなさんまら そわか)

Bishamonten (毘沙門天びしゃもんてん)
bonji_bishamonten-bei02Sanskrit name: Vaiśravaṇa
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Bei
Explanation: Famous as the god of fortune of the Seven lucky gods, and he is also enshrined as a god of warriors. The predecessor is Kubēra, the treasure god of Indian mythology and he protects the northern Buddhist world.
Blessings: Guardian (Shugo 守護しゅご), Wisdom (Chie 智慧ちえ), Annihilating the enemy (Metsuteki 滅敵めつてき), Certain victory (Hissho 必勝ひっしょう)
Famous temple: Kuramadera 鞍馬寺くらまでら (Kyoto) *National Treasure

Mantra: Naumaku Samanda Bodanan Bayabei Sowaka (なうまく さまんだ ぼだなん ばやべい そわか)

Kisshoten (吉祥天きっしょうてん)
bonji_kisshouten-shirii02Sanskrit name: Śrī-mahādevī
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Shirii
Explanation: The predecessor is Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess. She is enshrined as the goddess who controls beauty and fertility.
Blessings: Wish (Ganjyo 願成がんじょう), Business success (商売繁盛しょうばいはんじょう), Success of Love (Renai Jyouju 恋愛成就れんあいじょうじゅ), Good Luck (Kouun 幸運こううん)
Famous temple: Fukkouonji 福光園寺ふっこうおんじ (Yamanashi prefecture) *Important cultural property

Mantra: On Maka Shuriei Sowaka (おん まか しゅりえい そわか)

Kankiten (歓喜天かんきてん)
bonji_kankiten-gyaku02Sanskrit name: Nandikeśvara
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Gyaku
Explanation: The predecessor is the Indian mythology demon called Ganapati or Ganesha. In the Buddhist world, he is considered as the god who protects Buddhism by eliminating obstacles and difficulties.
Blessings: Pregnancy (Kosazuke 子授こさずけ), Family (Kazoku 家族かぞく), Warding off evil (Yakuyoke 厄除やくよけ), Cure of the illness (Byouki-heiyu 病気平癒びょうきへいゆ)
Famous Temple: Houkaiji Kankiten-do 宝戒寺歓喜天堂ほうかいじかんきてんどう (Kanagawa prefecture) *Important cultural property

Mantra: On Kiriku Gyaku Un Sowaka (おん きりく ぎゃく うん そわか)

Benzaiten (弁財天べんざいてん)
Sanskrit name: Sarasvatī
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): So
Explanation: Originated from the goddess of Music, the wife of Hindu god Brahma. She is famous as the goddess who bestows the fortune and treasure of the Seven lucky gods. In Japan, she is also known as Benten-sama.
Blessings: Success in entrance examinations (Goukaku 合格ごうかく), Wisdom (Chie 智慧ちえ), Skill improvement (Gigei Jyotatsu 技芸上達ぎげいじょうたつ), Luck of Money (Kinun (金運きんうん)
Famous Temple: Kamakura Kokuhokan 鎌倉国宝館かまくらこくほうかん (Kanagawa prefecture) *Important cultural property

Mantra: On Sorasobateiei Sowaka (おん そらそばていえい そわか)

Kishimojin (鬼子母神きしもじん)
bonji_kongourikishi-uun02Sanskrit name: Hārītī
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Uun
Explanation: The predecessor is a female demon of Indian mythology. In the Buddhist world, she is enshrined as the good deity that protects children, safe child birth, and raising children.
Blessings: Security (Antai 安泰あんたい), Family (Kazoku 家族かぞく), Safe child birth (Anzan 安産あんざん), Pregnancy (Kosazuke 子授こさずけ)
Famous Temple: Kishimojin-do 鬼子母神堂きしもじんどう (Tokyo) *Important cultural property

Mantra: On Dodomari Gyakitei Sowaka (おん どどまり ぎゃきてい そわか)


Idaten (韋駄天いだてん)
bonji_idaten-kuu02Sanskrit name: Skanda
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Kuu
Explanation: The predecessor is Skanda, the Hindu god of war. He is also known as the god excluding the sickness of children.
Blessings: Guardian (Shugo 守護しゅご), Antitheft (Tounan yoke 盗難除とうなんよけ), Cooking (Ryouri 料理りょうり), Robustness (Kyuoken 強健きょうけん)
Famous Temple: Osshinji 乙津寺おっしんじ (Gifu prefecture) *Important cultural property

Mantra: On Idateita Mokoteita Sowaka (おん いだていた もこていた そわか)

Daikokuten (大黒天だいこくてん)
bonji_daikokuten-ma02Sanskrit name: Mahākāla
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Ma
Explanation: The predecessor is the god of battle (the incarnation of Shiva, who controls the destruction of Hinduism). In the Buddhist world, he is famous as the god of the good harvest of the Seven lucky gods. In Japan, he is known as Daikoku-sama.
Blessings: Security (Antai 安泰あんたい), Business success (商売繁盛しょうばいはんじょう), Luck of Money (Kinun (金運きんうん), Victory (Shouri 勝利しょうり)
Famous Temple: Kanzeonji Houzouko 観世音寺宝蔵庫かんぜおんじほうぞうこ (Fukuoka prefecture)

Mantra: On Makokyaraya Sowaka (おん まこきゃらや そわか)

Gigeiten (伎芸天ぎげいてん)
bonji_gigeiten-u02Sanskrit name: Unidentified
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): U
Explanation: Originated from the celestial maiden born from the hair of Indian god, Shiva. It is said that there is the benefit to improve the arts because of her beautiful appearance and excellent skill.
Blessings: Wish (Ganjyo 願成がんじょう), Developing talent (Sainou Kaika 才能開花さいのうかいか), Good Luck (Kouun 幸運こううん), Skill improvement (Gigei Jyotatsu 技芸上達ぎげいじょうたつ)
Famous Temple: Akishinodera 秋篠寺あきしのでら (Nara prefecture)

Mantra: Noubou Makeijinbaraya Ushima Boushikyaya Sowaka (のうぼう まけいじんばらや うしま ぼうしきゃや そわか)

Dakiniten (荼枳尼天だきにてん)
bonji_dakiniten-da02Sanskrit name: Ḍākinī
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Da
Explanation: The predecessor is the female Yasha (demon) in the ancient India. In Japan, she is enshrined as a goddess who is identified with the Inari shrine god and brings abundant harvest.
Blessings: Wish (Ganjyo 願成がんじょう), Huge harvest (Houjyo 豊穣ほうじょう), Successful career (Shusse 出世しゅっせ), Better fortune (Kaiun 開運かいうん)
Famous Temple: Toyokawa Inari 豊川稲荷とよかわいなり /Official name: Enpukuzan Toyokawakaku Myougonji 円福山豊川閣妙厳寺えんぷくざんとよかわかくみょうごんじ (Aichi prefecture)

Mantra: Naumaku Samanda Badanan Kirika Sowaka (なうまく さまんだ ばだなん きりか そわか)

Marishiten (摩利支天まりしてん)
bonji_daikokuten-ma02Sanskrit name: Marīcī
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Ma
Explanation: Originated from Ushas, the goddess of Indian mythology. She is enshrined as the self-defense goddness that protects people from things that cannot be seen using the magical power.
Blessings: Guardian (Shugo 守護しゅご), Good Luck (Kouun 幸運こううん), Annihilating the enemy (Metsuteki 滅敵めつてき), Victory (Sensho 戦勝せんしょう)
Famous Temple: Tokudaiji 徳大寺とくだいじ (Tokyo)

Mantra: On Marishi Ei Sowaka (おん まりし えい そわか)

Enmaten (閻魔天えんまてん or 焔摩天)
bonji_enmaten-en02Sanskrit name: Yama
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): En
Explanation: The predecessor is Yama, who passed away for the first time and became king of the underworld in Indian mythology. He protects the southern part of the Buddhist world and controls hell (the underworld).
Blessings: Guardian (Shugo 守護しゅご), Cure of the illness (Byouki-heiyu 病気平癒びょうきへいゆ), Longevity (Chojyu 長寿ちょうじゅ), Warding off evil (Yakuyoke 厄除やくよけ)
Famous Temple: Byoudouji 平等寺びょうどうじ (Kyoto)

Mantra: Naumaku Samanda Bodanan Enmaya Sowaka (なうまく さまんだ ぼだなん えんまや そわか)

Ashura-ou (阿修羅王あしゅらおう)
bonji_ashuraou-a02Sanskrit name: Asura
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): A
Explanation: The predecessor is Asura, the demon king of Indian mythology. In the Buddhist world, he is the strongest guardian deity that symbolizes battle.
Blessings: Longevity (Chojyu 長寿ちょうじゅ), Guardian (Shugo 守護しゅご), Perseverance (Nintai 忍耐にんたい), Victory (Shouri 勝利しょうり)
Famous Temple: Kofukuji 興福寺こうふくじ (Nara prefecture)

Mantra: Noumaku Samanda Bodanan Ratanratato Baran Tan (のうまく さまんだ ぼだなん らたんらたと ばらん たん)

Karuraten (迦楼羅天かるらてん)
bonji_karuraten-ga02Sanskrit name: Garuda
Bonji (Sanskrit Seed): Ga
Explanation: The predecessor is Garda, the divine bird wrapped in the flames of Indian mythology. It is said to be the holy bird that consumes all evil, and is also known as a model of Tengu in Japan.
Blessings: Weather (Tenki 天気てんき), Busting evils (Metsuaku 滅悪めつあく), Health (Kenkou 健康けんこう), Cure of the illness (Byouki-heiyu 病気平癒びょうきへいゆ)
Famous Temple: Kofukuji 興福寺こうふくじ (Nara prefecture) *National treasure

Mantra: On Garudaya Sowaka (おん がるだや そわか)

Other honors

Other honorsRakanShinramyoujinYuima
Other honors

Other Buddhas, such as Buddha’s disciples and high priests. It is believed Suijaku is a god that appeared to save people by borrowing the image of a Japanese god.

■Main honors
Rakan (Buddha’s disciple), Enma-ou, Shinramyoujin (Suijaku God), Yuima (Indian grandfather), etc.

Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!

Bonji (Sanskrit letters) and Eto (the 12 earthly signs)

In Japan, there are guardian animals called Eto (the 12 earthly signs) depending on the year of birth. In addition, there are Buddhas who protect the Eto animals.
Items using Bonji (Sanskrit letters) of Buddhas protect the Eto animals are popular both as guardian items and as gifts.
For details on Bonji, please refer to this page.

Born on the year of the Rat

Bonji: Kiriiku
Buddha: Senju kannon bosatsu (sahasrabhuja)
Guardian stone: Citrine
Benefits: Illness healing, longevity, romance, wishes

Mantra: On basara tarama kiriku sowaka

Born on the year of the Ox

Bonji: Taraaku
Buddha: Kokuzou bosatsu (Ākāśagarbha)
Guardian stone: Moonstone
Benefits: Achievement, art, academics, wisdom

Mantra: On basara aratannou on taraku sowaka

Born on the year of the Tiger

Bonji: Taraaku
Buddha: Kokuzou bosatsu (Ākāśagarbha)
Guardian stone: Tiger eye
Benefits: Achievement, art, academics, wisdom

Mantra: On basara aratannou on taraku sowaka

Born on the year of the Rabbit

Bonji: Man
Buddha: Monju bosatsu (Mañjuśrī)
Guardian stone: Jade
Benefits: Success in exams, academics, good luck, wisdom

Mantra: On arahasha nou

Born on the year of the Dragon

Bonji: An
Buddha: Fugen bosatsu (Samantabhadra)
Guardian stone: Carnelian
Benefits: Guardianship, longevity, good luck, wisdom

Mantra: On sanmaya sataban

Born on the year of the Snake

Bonji: An
Buddha: Fugen bosatsu (Samantabhadra)
Guardian stone: Hematite
Benefits: Guardianship, longevity, good luck, wisdom

Mantra: On sanmaya sataban

Born on the year of the Horse

Bonji: Saku
Buddha: Seishi bosatsu (Mahāsthāmaprāpta)
Guardian stone: Agate
Benefits: Wishes, family, get rid of bad luck, wisdom

Mantra: On sanzanzansaku sowaka

Born on the year of the Sheep

Bonji: Ban
Buddha: Dainichi nyorai (Mahāvairocana)
Guardian stone: Coral
Benefits: Guardianship, security, good luck, wishes

Mantra: On basaradatoban

Born on the year of the Monkey

Bonji: Ban
Buddha: Dainichi nyorai (Mahāvairocana)
Guardian stone: Crystal
Benefits: Guardianship, security, good luck, wishes

Mantra: On basaradatoban

Born on the year of the Rooster

Bonji: Kaan
Buddha: Fudo myouou
Guardian stone: Blue lace agate
Benefits: Get rid of bad luck, good luck, victory, annoyance

Mantra: Naumaku saramanda basaradan kan

Born on the year of the Dog

Bonji: Kiriiku
Buddha: Amida nyorai (Amitābha)
Guardian stone: Lapis lazuli
Benefits: Security, longevity, get rid of bad luck, afterlife

Mantra: On amirita teisei kara un

Born on the year of the Boar

Bonji: Kiriiku
Buddha: Amida nyorai (Amitābha)
Guardian stone: Rose Quartz
Benefits: Security, longevity, get rid of bad luck, afterlife

Mantra: On amirita teisei kara un

Bonji based on prayer

There are many wishes in life, such as “I want to stay healthy” and “I want to pass the examination”. Introducing Bonji (Sanskrit letters) that match each wish.

Better fortune / good luck / blessing

Pray for better fortune -To increase luck-
Dainichi nyorai
Bonji: Ban
Dainichi nyorai (Mahāvairocana)

May he guide you with a dazzling light even in the dark. The guardian for the year of the Sheep and the Monkey.

Bonji: Shirii
Kisshouten (Śrī-mahādevī)

Another name is Koutokuten, and it is said that Kisshouten is also beneficial for improving money fortune and good fortune.

Pray for good luck -Many happy returns-
Fugen bosatsu
Bonji: An
Fugen bosatsu (Samantabhadra)

It is said that there is a benefit of increasing profits that increases happiness. The guardian of the year of the Dragon and the Snake.

Bonji: Ma
Marishiten (Marīcī)

Many people come to worship in the hope of good luck, travel safety and good fortune.

Health / longevity / healing

Healing illness -May the illness improve-
Yakushi nyorai
Bonji: Bei
Yakushi nyorai (Bhaiṣajyaguru)

In this world, it is said that Yakushi nyorai helps people suffering from illness and gives them peace of mind.

Shou kannon
Bonji: Sa
Shou kannon (āvalokiteśvara)

It is said that Shou kannon will get rid of bad luck and the pain of the illness.

Yakuou bosatsu
Bonji: Bei
Yakuou bosatsu (Bhaiṣajyarāja)

He is enshrined as one of attendants for Shaka Nyorai and is said to cure both the body and mind of people with medicine.

Yakujyou bosatsu
Bonji: Bei
Yakujyou bosatsu (Bhaiṣajyasamudgata)

The younger brother of the Yakuou bosatsu. He is enshrined as one of attendants for Shaka Nyorai.

Kujaku myouou
Bonji: Ma
Kujaku myouou

It is said that he will bring happiness by driving away anxiety, anguish, and fear.

Bonji: Ga
Karuraten (Garuda)

It is said that he is beneficial for healing illnesses, including strange illnesses, by defeating all worldly desires with flames.

Pray for good health -May you living safely without getting sick-
Juuichimen kannon
Bonji: Kya
Juuichimen kannon

It is said to watch over people with 11 facial expressions and save them from their hardships.

Shoumenkongou myouou
Bonji: Un
Shoumenkongou myouou
(Yaksha god)

It is said that eating three monkey-shaped konjak facing north and silently is beneficial for good health without disease.

Jizou bosatsu
Bonji: Ka
Jizou bosatsu (Kṣitigarbha)

It is said that he envelops people with great mercy and bestows good luck for a lifetime.

Bonji: En
Enmaten (Yama)

It is said that burning and eating the daikon radish offered on the fair is beneficial for avoiding illness and paralysis.

Pray for health and longevity -May you a healthy and long life-
Amida nyorai
Bonji: Kiriiku
Amida nyorai (Amitābha)

It is said that he gives us the power to live cherishing the current situation. The guardian of the year of the Dog and the Boar.

Fugen bosatsu
Bonji: An
Fugen bosatsu (Samantabhadra)

It is said to give you longevity.

Gundari myouou
Bonji: Un
Gundari myouou (Kundali)

It is said to protect people from foreign enemies and remove all obstacles.

Gekkou bosatsu
Bonji: Sha
Gekkou bosatsu (Candraprabha)

It is said that his gentle compassionate heart like moonlight will eliminate the anxieties.

Family / healthy babies

Happily married 〜May you live happily with your partner〜
Senjukannon bosatsu
Bonji: Kiriiku
Senjyukannon bosatsu

It is said that his thousand hands will save many people, especially the benefits of a married couple and the fulfillment of romance. The guardian of the year of the Rat.

Aizen myouou
Bonji: Un
Aizen myouou (Rāgarāja)

It is said that he leads to enlightenment of lust and worldly desires, and saves various worldly desires.

Bonji: Gyaku
Kankiten (Nandikeśvara)

It is said that he will bestow benefits such as prosperous business and happy marriage.

The safety and well-being of the family -May the family be healthy and happy-
Seishi bosatsu
Bonji: Saku
Seishi bosatsu (Mahāsthāmaprāpta)

In particular, it is said to have the benefit of family safety. The guardian of the year of the Horse.

Aizen myouou
Bonji: Un
Aizen myouou (Rāgarāja)

It is said that he also has the benefit of improving family luck.

Bonji: Gyaku
Kankiten (Nandikeśvara)

It is said that there is a benefit of improving family luck in addition to the harmonious marriage.

Bonji: Uun
Kishimojin (Hārītī)

She is worshiped as a goddess of childbirth and childcare, and is said to be beneficial for improving family luck.

Pray for the safe delivery of the child -To be blessed with children-
Nyoirin kannon
Bonji: Kiriku
Nyoirin kannon

It is said that Nyoirin kannon protects the heavenly world and has benefits such as the awarding of merit and safe delivery.

Juntei kannon
Bonji: Bo
Juntei kannon (Cundī)

Jyuntei kannon symbolizes motherhood and is said to have benefits such as childbirth and easy delivery.

Jizou bosatsu
Bonji: Ka
Jizou bosatsu (Kṣitigarbha)

It is said that there is also the benefit of easy delivery.

Bonji: Uun
Kishimojin (Hārītī)

It is said that there are benefits of easy delivery and childbirth.

Love / good match / beauty

Fulfillment in love -May your romance be fruitful-
Senjyukannon bosatsu
Bonji: Kiriiku
Senjyukannon bosatsu

It is said that he has a thousand hands and has benefits such as fulfillment of a big wish and fulfillment of love. The guardian of the year of the Rat.

Aizen myouou
Bonji: Un
Aizen myouou (Rāgarāja)

He is said to control romance, good relations, and family harmoniousness.

Bonji: Shirii
Kisshouten (Śrī-mahādevī)

Known as a beautiful goddess, and It is said to bestow beauty, love and fortune.

Good match -May you have a good match-
Bonji: Sa
Shoukannon (āvalokiteśvara)

There are a wide range of benefits from this world’s profits to paradise, and it is said that there is also a good match benefit.

Aizen myouou
Bonji: Un
Aizen myouou (Rāgarāja)

It is said that he controls romance, good match, and family harmoniousness, and also has the benefits of good relations.

Bonji: Gyaku
Kankiten (Nandikeśvara)

It is said that offering daikon radish, which is his favorite food, he cleanses the poison of the mind, which makes the mind and body healthy and leads to the fulfillment of good  match.

Bonji: Ma
Daikokuten (Mahākāla)

In addition to the benefits of this world and the improvement of fortune, it is said that there are also benefits of good match.

Beauty improvement -Want to be beautiful and cool-
Bonji: Kiriku

It is said that he bestows good luck and there is the benefit of praying for beauty.

Seishi bosatsu
Bonji: Saku
Seishi bosatsu (Mahāsthāmaprāpta)

It is said to provide health and beauty benefits. The guardian of the year of the Horse.

Bonji: Shirii
Kisshouten (Śrī-mahādevī)

She is enshrined as a goddess of beauty and is said to have the benefits of beauty and romance.

Bonji: So
Benzaiten (Sarasvatī)

Known as a beautiful goddess with a biwa (pipa), she is said to have the benefits of good fortune, skill improvement, and beauty.

Money fortune / Business

Business success -May your business go well-
Kokuzou bosatsu
Bonji: Taraaku
Kokuzou bosatsu (Ākāśagarbha)

He is said to bestow infinite wisdom and compassion on people. The guardian of the year of the Ox and the Tiger.

Fudou myouou
Bonji: Kaan
Fudou myouou (Acalanātha)

It is said that he gives happiness to those who believe in it, and has the benefits of achieving good luck, increasing fortune, and prospering business. The guardian of the year of the Rooster.

Aizen myouou
Bonji: Un
Aizen myouou (Rāgarāja)

He is popular as “Aizen-sama” and is said to have benefits such as fulfillment of romance and prosperous business.

Bonji: Shirii
Kisshouten (Śrī-mahādevī)

She controls beauty, fertility and good luck, and is said to have benefits such as treasure money, huge harvest, and prosperous business.

Bonji: Ma
Daikokuten (Mahākāla)

Known as the god of huge harvest and good fortune, he is said to have benefits such as prosperous business.

Bonji: Da
Dakiniten (Ḍākinī)

It is said that Nobunaga Oda and Ieyasu Tokugawa worshipped Dakiniten for the unification of the world, and that there are the benefits of good fortune and prosperous business.

Fortune rise -May you be financially blessed-
Fudou myouou
Bonji: Kaan
Fudou myouou (Acalanātha) 

It is said that he gives happiness to those who believe in it, and has the benefits of achieving good luck, increasing fortune, and prospering business. The guardian for the year of the Rooster.

Bonji: Ma
Daikokuten (Mahākāla)

Known as the god of huge harvest and good fortune, it is said that there are benefits such as prosperous business and good luck with money.

bonji_bishamonten-bei02Bonji: Bei
Bishamonten (Vaiśravaṇa)

He is famous as the god (the Seven Lucky Gods in Japan) of good fortune and is said to control treasure fortune.

Bonji: So
Benzaiten (Sarasvatī)

Known as a beautiful goddess with a biwa (pipa), it is said that there are benefits such as good luck with money, etc.

Success in life -May you succeed in life-
Fudou myouou
Bonji: Kaan
Fudou myouou (Acalanātha)

It is said that he gives happiness to those who believe in it, and there are the benefits of success in life, achieving good luck, increasing fortune, and prospering business. The guardian for the year of the Rooster.

Bonji: Ma
Daikokuten (Mahākāla)

Known as the god of the Seven Lucky Gods in Japan and worshiped by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. It is said that there are benefits such as prosperous business and success in life.

bonji_taishakuten-i02Bonji: I
(Śakro devānām indraḥ)

Known as the heroic god of India, it is said there are benefits such as get rid of bad luck and success in life.

bonji_bonten-bora02Bonji: Bora
(Śakro devānām indraḥ)

Known as the guardian deity of Buddhism, it is said to have benefits such as security and success in life.

Bonji: So
Benzaiten (Sarasvatī)

Known as a beautiful goddess, it is said there are benefits such as improving fortune and success in life.

Bonji: Da
Dakiniten (Ḍākinī)

It is said that Nobunaga Oda and Ieyasu Tokugawa worshipped Dakiniten for the unification of the world, and that there are the benefits of good fortune and success in life.

Studies / Skills

Prayer for school success -May you pass the exam-
Kokuzou bosatsu
Bonji: Taraaku
Kokuzou bosatsu (Ākāśagarbha)

He is said to bestow infinite wisdom and mercy on people. Known for its benefits of improving academic ability and memory. The guardian for the year of the Ox and the Tiger.

Monju bosatsu
bonji_monjubosatsu-man02Bonji: Man
Momju bosatsu

With a sword that controls wisdom, he is known as the god of wisdom. It is said there are benefits of passing the exams and improving studies. The guardian of the year of the Rabbit.

Bonji: So
Benzaiten (Sarasvatī)

Known as a beautiful goddess, it is said there are benefits such as improving fortune and praying for success in studies.

Prayer for victory -May you win!-
Juuichimen kannon
Bonji: Kya
Juuichimen kannon

He is said to watch over people with 11 facial expressions and save them from their hardships. It is said that there are benefits such as security and victory.

Fudou myouou
Bonji: Kaan
Fudou myouou (Acalanātha)

It is said that he gives happiness to those who believe in it, and has the benefits of achieving good luck, increasing fortune, prospering business, victory. The guardian for the year of the Rooster.

bonji_bishamonten-bei02Bonji: Bei
Bishamonten (Vaiśravaṇa)

He is famous as the god (the Seven Lucky Gods in Japan) of good fortune and is said to control treasure fortune.

bonji_taishakuten-i02Bonji: I
(Śakro devānām indraḥ)

Known as the heroic god of India, it is said there are benefits such as get rid of bad luck,  success in life and victory.

Bonji: Ma
Daikokuten (Mahākāla)

Known as the god of the Seven Lucky Gods in Japan and worshiped by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. It is said that there are benefits such as prosperous business and victory, etc.

bonji_ashuraou-a02Bonji: A
Ashuraou (Asura)

Known as the strongest guardian deity that symbolizes battle. He is said to have benefits such as longevity, protection and victory.

Artistic skill improvement -May your artistic skills improve!
Kokuzou bosatsu
Bonji: Taraaku
Kokuzou bosatsu (Ākāśagarbha)

He is said to bestow infinite wisdom and mercy on people. Known for its benefits of improving academic ability and artistic skills. The guardian for the year of the Ox and the Tiger.

Bonji: So
Benzaiten (Sarasvatī)

Known as a beautiful goddess, it is said there are benefits such as improving fortune and artistic skills.

bonji_gigeiten-u02Bonji: U

It is said that she has the benefit of improving artistic skills because she looks good and excels in art.

Get rid of bad luck / safety / protection

Get rid of bad luck
Amida nyorai
Bonji: Kiriiku
Amida nyorai (Amitābha)

It is said that he gives us the power to live cherishing the current situation. Also it is said that there is the benefit of getting rid of bad luck. The guardian of the year of the Dog and the Boar.

Yakushi nyorai
Bonji: Bei
Yakushi nyorai (Bhaiṣajyaguru)

In this world, it is said that Yakushi nyorai helps people suffering from illness and gives them peace of mind. Also it is said that there is the benefit of getting rid of bad luck.

Shou kannon
Bonji: Sa
Shou kannon (āvalokiteśvara)

He is said to get rid of bad luck and the pain of the illness.

Nikkou bosatsu
bonji_nikkoubosatsu-a02Bonji: A
Nikkou bosatsu (Suryaprabha)

He is said to illuminate the sunlight and eliminate the darkness of suffering.

Ususama myouou
bonji_kongouyashamyouou-uun01Bonji: Uun
Ususama myouou (Ucchuṣma0

He is said to have the sacred power to purify grudges and is enshrined as the god of toilets and kitchens. Also he is said to have benefits such as purification getting rid of bad luck.

Kujaku myouou
Bonji: Ma
Kujaku myouou

It is said that he will bring happiness by driving away anxiety, anguish, and fear.Also he is said to have the benefit of getting rid of bad luck.

Bonji: Gyaku
Kankiten (Nandikeśvara)

It is said that he will bestow benefits such as prosperous business and getting rid of bad luck.

Bonji: En
Enmaten (Yama)

Known as the king in the hell, he is said to be beneficial for disease-free breathing, disaster relief, and getting rid of bad luck.

Preventing robbery
Fudou myouou

Bonji: Kaan
Fudou myouou (Acalanātha)

It is said that he gives happiness to those who believe in it, and there are the benefits of success in life, achieving good luck, increasing fortune, and preventing robbery. The guardian for the year of the Rooster.

bonji_kongouyashamyouou-uun01Bonji: Uun
Kongōyasha (Vajrayaksha)

It is said that he protects the northern Buddhist World, consume the bad desires of the past, present and future, and then cleanse the mind with the wisdom of the Buddha.

bonji_idaten-kuu02Bonji: Kuu
Idaten (Skanda)

Known as a god that eliminates childhood illnesses, it is said to have benefits such as protection and preventing robbery, etc.

Bonji: Ma
Marishiten (Marīcī)

Many people come to worship in the hope of good luck, travel safety and good fortune. It is said there is the benefit of preventing robbery.

Dainichi nyorai
Bonji: Ban
Dainichi nyorai (Mahāvairocana)

May he guide you with a dazzling light even in the dark. The guardian for the year of the Sheep and the Monkey.

Shaka nyorai
bonji_shakanyorai-baku01Bonji: Baku
Shaka nyorai (Sakyamuni)

Known as Buddha, he is said to have benefits such as longevity and guardianship.

Fugen bosatsu
Bonji: An
Fugen bosatsu (Samantabhadra)

A bodhisattva riding an elephant, he is said to have the benefits of happiness and protection. The guardian for the year of the Dragon and the Snake.

Gōzanze myouou
bonji_gouzanzemyouou-un01Bonji: Un
Gōzanze myouou

It is said that he protects the Eastern Buddhist world and will get rid of the anxieties (desire, anger, complaints) existing in the past, present, and future world at the behest of Ashuku Nyorai (Akṣobhya).

bonji_bonten-bora02Bonji: Bora
(Śakro devānām indraḥ)

Known as the guardian deity of Buddhism, he is said to have benefits such as security and guardianship.


Bonji: Bei
Bishamonten (Vaiśravaṇa)

He is famous as the god (the Seven Lucky Gods in Japan) of good fortune and is said to control treasure fortune.

bonji_idaten-kuu02Bonji: Kuu
Idaten (Skanda)

Known as a god that eliminates childhood illnesses, it is said to have benefits such as protection and preventing robbery, etc.

Bonji: Ma
Marishiten (Marīcī)

She is enshrined as a self-defense god that protects people from invisible things with magical power.

Bonji: En
Enmaten (Yama)

Known as the king in the hell, he is said to be beneficial for disaster relief, getting rid of bad luck and guardianship, etc.


Bonji: A
Ashuraou (Asura)

Known as the strongest guardian deity that symbolizes battle. He is said to have benefits such as longevity, protection and victory.

Traffic Safety
Jizou bosatsu
Bonji: Ka
Jizou bosatsu (Kṣitigarbha)

He is said to have benefits such as easy delivery and traffic safety, etc.

Batou kannon bosatsu
bonji_batoukannon-uun02Bonji: Uun
Batou kannon bosatsu

The guardian Buddha of animals. He is said to have the benefits such as protection and traffic safety, etc.

Fudou myouou
Bonji: Kaan
Fudou myouou (Acalanātha)

It is said that he gives happiness to those who believe in it, and there are the benefits of success in life, achieving good luck, increasing fortune, and traffic safety, etc. The guardian for the year of the Rooster.

Relationships / Social / Others

Peaceful Relationships
Yakushi nyorai
Bonji: Bei
Yakushi nyorai (Bhaiṣajyaguru)

In this world, it is said that he helps people suffering from illness and gives them peace of mind. Also he is said to keep bad relationships away and finds good ones.

Miroku bosatsu
bonji_mirokubosatsu-yu02Bonji: Yu
Miroku bosatsu (Maitreya)

Bodhisattva who symbolizes fraternity and charity. It is said that he will give people the virtues of this world’s interests while practicing as much as possible.

Aizen myouou
Bonji: Un
Aizen myouou (Rāgarāja)

He is said to control romance, good relations, and family harmoniousness.

Bonji: Ma
Daikokuten (Mahākāla)

Known as the god of the Seven Lucky Gods in Japan and worshiped by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. It is said that there are benefits such as prosperous business and good relationships, etc.

End bad relationships
Fudou myouou
Bonji: Kaan
Fudou myouou (Acalanātha)

It is said that he gives happiness to those who believe in it, and there are the benefits of success in life, achieving good luck, increasing fortune, and end bad relationships, etc. The guardian for the year of the Rooster.。
