2024年は辰年(日本) / 2024 is the year of the dragon (Japan)

This page summarizes the lucky days and directions for 2024 so that you can have good luck. We would be happy if our information could be of some help to you☆彡
Eto for 2024 / 2024年の干支
About Eto / 干支について
There are 60 sets of Eto, which are a combination of “Jikkan (the ten Heavenly Stems)” of the ancient Chinese calendar with 10 days as one phrase and “Junishi (the twelve zodiac animal signs)”, which represent the calendar and time.
Eto for 2024 is Kinoe-Tatsu. Kinoe is the 1st of Jikkan and Tatsu is the 5th animal (dragon) of Junishi, so 2024 is the 41th of 60 cycles.
2024 from the perspective of Yin-Yang and Five elements / 陰陽五行から見た2024年
Kinoe represents the wood that is rooted in the earth. Also, it is the first of Jikkan, and represents the state in which seeds in the soil are waiting to come out.
Tatsu (dragon) represents “yang and earth” in the Yin-Yang and Gogyo (five elements). Since ancient times, it has been worshiped as a legendary spiritual beast (dragon) all over the world. In Japan, it is worshiped as the god of water and the sea in many areas. Dragons are also considered symbols of success and power. We hope the hard work that you have put in will bear fruit in the form of success, and that this will be a year that brings about even better changes.☆彡
Guardian Buddha and Sanskrit in 2024 / 2024年の守護仏と梵字
The guardian Buddha of the Year of the Dragon is Fugen Bodhisattva, and the Sanskrit character is “An“.
Nine Stars Ki in 2024 / 2024年の九星
In the Nine Stars Ki Feng Shui calendar, the one-year period ends on February 3rd, and 2024 is the year of the Sanpeki-mokuse (3 wood). Your efforts this year will greatly influence your future success, so let’s keep working hard!
恵方・吉方位 / Lucky direction
About “Ehou” / 恵方について
Ehou is the lucky direction in which Toshitokushin-sama, who is responsible for the good fortune of the year, is seated. Since it is determined by Jikkan, it varies every year.
The lucky direction for 2024 is east-northeast by east. It seems good to get amulets and hamaya at shrines and temples in the eho direction. It is said that hamaya is a sacred arrow and attracts good luck and wards off evil (bad luck) for the incoming year.
The bad directions in 2024 are West, East and Northwest.
Lucky directions for each nine stars / 九星ごとの吉方位
Nine Star Ki / 九星 | Lucky directions / 吉方位 | Bad directions / 凶方位 |
1 White Water 一白水星(いっぱくすいせい) | Northeast, South 北東・南 | East, West, Northwest 東・西・北西 |
2 Black Earth 二黒土星(じこくどせい) | North, Northeast, South, Southwest 北・北東・南・南西 | East, West, Southeast, Northwest 東・西・南東・北西 |
3 Blue Wood 三碧木星(さんぺきもくせい) | Southwest 南西 | East, West, Northwest 東・西・北西 |
4 Green Wood 四緑木星(しろくもくせい) | Southwest 南西 | East, West, Northwest, Southeast 東・西・北西・東南 |
5 Yellow Earth 五黄土星(ごおうどせい) | North, Northeast, Southeast, South, Southwest 北・北東・南東・南・南西 | East, West, Northwest 東・西・北西 |
6 White Metal 六白金星(ろっぱくきんせい) | North, Southeast, South 北・南東・南 | East, West, Northeast, Southwest, Northwest 東・西・北東・南西・北西 |
7 Red Metal 七赤金星(しちせききんせい) | Northeast, Southeast, Southwest 北東・南東・南西 | East, West, North, South, Northwest 東・西・北・南・北西 |
8 White Earth 八白土星(はっぱくどせい) | Northeast, Southeast, Southwest 北東・南東・南西 | East, West, North, South, Northwest 東・西・北・南・北西 |
9 Purple Fire 九紫火星(きゅうしかせい) | North, Southeast 北・南東 | East, West, Northeast, Southwest, Northwest 東・西・北東・南西・北西 |
Auspicious days in 2024 / 2024年吉日
About Auspicious days / 縁起の良い日について
Auspicious days occur several times a year, but the most auspicious day is called ‘Tensha-bi‘ (Heavenly day). It is sometimes read as “Tensha-nichi“. This day is said to be “the day when the heavens forgive the sins of all things”, and it is said that all obstacles will be removed and everything will go well.
In addition, there are “Ichiryu-manbai-bi (One grain 10,000 times day)” and “Tora-no-hi (Tiger’s day)“. “Ichiryu-manbai-bi” is said to be a lucky day when “one grain of rice will grow 10,000 times”, and is considered a good day to start things. “Tora-no-hi” is a lucky day related to financial luck that comes around every 12 days, and is also called “Kinun-shorai-bi (financial luck invitation day)”.
The following days are also considered auspicious.
- Bosou-nichi : It is considered a good day for auspicious occasions, as it means that heaven cares for people. It is especially good for marriage relations, such as weddings.
- Tenon-nichi : It is said to be an auspicious day where everyone can enjoy the blessings of heaven, which come for five consecutive days. Good luck for various auspicious events such as marriage. It is not suitable for misfortunes such as a funeral.
- Tsukitoku-nichi : It is the day of the month when God is present, and it is said to be a day when people can receive good fortune. Especially good for renovations and moving.
- Kamiyoshi-nichi : It is said to be a day when it is easy to receive blessings from God. Especially good for rituals such as visiting shrines.
- Daimyo-nichi : It has the meaning of the sun shining brightly, and is considered to be great luck for all things. Especially good for weddings, moving, building a house, and traveling.
- Kishuku-nichi : In the astronomical calendar “twenty-eight mansions”, it refers to the day when the moon is in Cancer”, and “because the demons are in the mansion (house) and they do not go out = not disturbed by demons”, it is considered a good day for everything except weddings. Especially good for moving and Shichi-Go-San celebrations.
- Taian : It is one of the “Rokuyo” in the Onmyodo calendar, and it is said to be auspicious for everything throughout the day. Especially for travel and marriage.
- 母倉日(ぼそうにち):天が人を慈しむという意味を持ち、慶事に良い日とされています。特に、婚礼など婚姻関係に吉。
- 天恩日(てんおんにち):五日間連続で訪れる、すべての人が天の恩恵を受けることができる縁起の良い日とされています。婚姻など様々な慶事に吉。葬儀などの凶事には向きません。
- 月徳日(つきとくにち/がっとくにち):その月に神様がいらっしゃる日で、福徳が得られる日とされています。特に、リフォームや引越などに吉。
- 神吉日(かみよしにち/かみよしび):神様の福徳をうけやすい日とされています。特に、神社への参拝など神事に吉。
- 大明日(だいみょうにち):太陽が明るく照らすという意味を持ち、万事に大吉とされています。特に、結婚式、引越、家の建築、旅行に吉。
- 鬼宿日(きしゅくにち/きしゅくび):天文学を基とした暦「二十八宿(にじゅうはっしゅく)」の中で、月が「かに座」にある日を指し、「鬼が宿にいて出歩かず邪魔されないため」婚礼以外は何事にも良い日とされています。特に、引越や七五三祝いに吉。
- 大安(たいあん):陰陽道(おんみょうどう)の暦「六曜(ろくよう)」の一つで、一日を通してあらゆることにおいて吉とされ、縁起の良い日とされています。特に、旅行や婚姻に吉。

a festival for children of 3, 5 and 7 years of age
Auspicious day List / 吉日リスト
The most auspicious day of 2024 is
Monday, July 29, 2024
On this day, “Ichiryu-manbai-bi”, “Bosou-nichi”, “Tsukitoku-bi”, “Kamiyoshi-bi” and “Taian” overlap with “Tensha-bi”.
Other lucky days in 2024 are below.
- Monday, January 1st, 2024 : “Tensha-bi”, “Ichiryu-manbai-bi” and “Tenon-nichi”
- Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 : “Daimyo-nichi”, “Ichiryu-manbai-bi”, “Tenon-nichi”, “Kamiyoshi-nichi” and “Taian”
- Friday, March 15th, 2024 : “Tensha-bi”, “Ichiryu-manbai-bi” and “Tora no hi”
- Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 : “Daimyo-nichi”, “Ichiryu-manbai-bi”, “Tenon-nichi”, “Kamiyoshi-nichi”, “Bosou-nichi” and “Taian”
- Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 : “Daimyo-nichi”, “Ichiryu-manbai-bi”, “Tenon-nichi”, “Kamiyoshi-nichi”, “Bosou-nichi” and “Taian”
- Friday, October 11th, 2024 : “Tensha-bi”, “Kamiyoshi-nichi”, “Kishuku-nichi” and “Taian”
- Thursday, December 26th, 2024 : “Tensha-bi”, “Ichiryu-manbai-bi” and “Tenon-nichi”
2024年7月29 日(月)
- 2024年月1月1日(月):天赦日・一粒万倍日・天恩日
- 2024年月1月16日(火):大明日・一粒万倍日・天恩日・神吉日・大安
- 2024年月3月15日(金):天赦日・一粒万倍日・寅の日
- 2024年5月15日(水):大明日・一粒万倍日・天恩日・母倉日・神吉日・大安
- 2024年月7月17日(水):大明日・一粒万倍日・天恩日・母倉日・神吉日・大安
- 2024年10月11日(金):天赦日+神吉日+鬼宿日+大安
- 2024年12月26日(木):天赦日・一粒万倍日・天恩日
Lucky Colours / ラッキーカラー
Green is good from wood, which is an attribute of Kinoe.
Yellow is good from earth, which is an attribute of Tatsu (Dragon).
Blue is a lucky colour for 2024.
Gold is a lucky colour for 21st century.
Lucky Colours for each nine stars in 2024 / 2024年の九星ごとのラッキーカラー
Nine Star Ki 九星気学 | Lucky Colours ラッキーカラー | Symbol colours シンボルカラー |
1 White Water 一白水星(いっぱくすいせい) | Blue 青 | White 白 |
2 Black Earth 二黒土星(じこくどせい) | Green 緑 | Vermilion 朱 |
3 Blue Wood 三碧木星(さんぺきもくせい) | Yellow 黄 | Blue 青 |
4 Green Wood 四緑木星(しろくもくせい) | Green 緑 | Green 緑 |
5 Yellow Earth 五黄土星(ごおうどせい) | Blue 青 | Yellow 黄 |
6 White Metal 六白金星(ろっぱくきんせい) | Brown 茶 | Grey 灰 |
7 Red Metal 七赤金星(しちせききんせい) | Purple 紫 | Red 赤 |
8 White Earth 八白土星(はっぱくどせい) | White 白 | Brown 茶 |
9 Purple Fire 九紫火星(きゅうしかせい) | Vermilion 朱 | Purple 紫 |
Lucky Colours for each 12 zodiac signs in 2024 / 2024年の12星座ごとのラッキーカラー
Zodiac signs 星座 | Lucky colours ラッキーカラー | Symbol colours シンボルカラー |
Aries おひつじ座![]() | Red, Gold レッド、ゴールド | Red レッド |
Taurus おうし座![]() | Emerald green, Rose pink エメラルドグリーン、ローズピンク | Green グリーン |
Gemini ふたご座![]() | Yellow, Silver イエロー、シルバー | Yellow イエロー |
Cancer かに座![]() | Silver, Sea green シルバー、シーグリーン | Silver, Pearl White シルバー、パールホワイト |
Leo しし座![]() | Gold, Orange ゴールド、オレンジ | Gold, Glitter orange ゴールド、グリッターオレンジ |
Virgo おとめ座![]() | Green, Silver グリーン、シルバー | Olive, Beige オリーブ、ベージュ |
Libra てんびん座![]() | Blue, Jade green ブルー、ジェイドグリーン | Pink ピンク |
Scorpio さそり座![]() | Deep red, Black ディープレッド、ブラック | Crimson, Wine red クリムゾンレッド、ワインレッド |
Sagittarius いて座![]() | Royal blue, Silver ロイヤルブルー、シルバー | Purple, Navy パープル、ネイビー |
Capricorn やぎ座![]() | Earth brown, Deep green アースブラウン、ディープグリーン | Brown, Black ブラウン、ブラック |
Aquarius みずがめ座![]() | Electric blue, Silver エレクトリックブルー、シルバー | Metallic blue, Pearl blue メタリックブルー、パールブルー |
Pisces うお座![]() | Sea green, Lavender シーグリーン、ラベンダー | Marine blue, Aqua blue マリンブルー、アクアブルー |
*Aura-Soma colours for 12 zodiac signs can also be viewed on this page.
*Details on aura-soma colours, please refer to this page.
Lucky Food / ラッキー・フード



Lucky motif / ラッキー・モチーフ

Dragon: Motif associated with the year of the dragon, which is the zodiac sign of 2024.

Infinity (∞): Motif that represents eternal bonds and the possibility of a continuing future.

Ladybird: Motif believed to bring happiness. The red ladybird is recommended as red is a lucky color for 2024.

Cat: Motif believed to have the power to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits.

Leaf: Motif that represents hope, growth, etc. and is believed to make wishes come true.

Flower: Motif that symbolizes eternity, happiness, love, and beauty.

Wings: Motif is said to be a symbol of “leaps” and “ascension” due to its image of flying high into the sky.

Initials: Popular motif as a talisman for good luck and strengthening bonds.
Lucky Gems / ラッキーストーン

Lapis Lazuli: Lapis lazuli is considered a sacred stone that brings good luck and is known as the birthstone for September and December. It is also the guardian stone of the 3 Blue Wood of Nine Stars Ki.

Aventurine: Green aventurine, a lucky colour for 2024, is said to improve insight and thinking ability, and balance the mind and body. It is one of the birthstones of May.

Jade: Green jade, a lucky colour for 2024, has been said to be a stone that brings happiness and success since ancient times. It is also one of the birthstones for May. In Japan, it is known as the 35th wedding anniversary stone.

Citrine: In the Five Elements of Yin and Yang, it is considered a stone with the attributes of earth, and it is said to be a lucky stone that brings prosperity and wealth. It is also one of the birthstones for November.

Turquoise: In the Five Elements of Yin and Yang, it is one of the birthstones for December, which is considered to have the attribute of wood. Since ancient times, it has been said to be a stone of courage and hope that wards off evil spirits and brings good luck.

Titin Rutile Quartz: Golden Rutilated Quartz, which is considered lucky throughout the 21st century, is said to be a stone that avoids danger and leads things to success. Among these, this type of rutilated quartz has a large rutile structure.

Moonstone: At twenty-eight mansions, 2024 is the year of the Chinese “ghost” constellation (Ki Shuku). Moonstone, the lucky stone of “Ki shuku”, is a stone that shines gently as if it were wearing moonlight, and is said to bring rich love and improve human relationships. It is one of the birthstones for June.

Garnet: Red garnet, a lucky colour for 2024, is the guardian stone of the Year of the Dragon, and has been loved since ancient times as a symbol of fruitfulness, vows, and passion. It is the birthstone of January.
おすすめアイテム / Recommended items
Introducing items from PY Kobo that are likely to bring happiness in 2024.
Home & Living/ ホーム&リビング
Tableware / 食器



Wall art / ウォールアート

Fashion / ファッション
Clothing / 衣料品



Bag / バッグ



Knick-knacks / 雑貨



Accessories / アクセサリー
Sanskrit Bracelet

Sanskrit Bracelet

Sanskrit Bracelet

Green Owl Strap

Sanskrit Strap

Sanskrit Necklace

Books / 本
Lucky foods for 2024 are sushi, chicken, and blue fish! These ingredients are introduced in the following book.