- Welcome to our Study Room! / 学習室へようこそ!
- Self care / セルフケア : Chakras, Gem Stones, Good Luck etc…
- Sanskrit & Buddhist Deities / 梵字 & 仏様
- Cosmic dual forces and five elements / 陰陽五行
- Chakras/チャクラ
- Nine Star Ki Astrology / 九星気学
- Junishi (12 zodiac animal signs) / 十二支 (干支)
- Mythology &Good Luck / 神話と縁起物
- Constellation / 星座
- Twenty-eight or twenty-seven inns / 二十八宿・二十七宿
- Spiritual Place / パワースポット
- Gem Stones / パワーストーン
- Family crest / 家紋
Welcome to our Study Room! / 学習室へようこそ!

Here we will update information about self care, health care, languages etc. We will also introduce information on qualification exams and sites that are useful for studying. May your life become richer☆彡
We also hope that this will be helpful when choosing items such as accessories and T-shirts.
Self care / セルフケア : Chakras, Gem Stones, Good Luck etc…
Sanskrit & Buddhist Deities / 梵字 & 仏様

Cosmic dual forces and five elements / 陰陽五行


Nine Star Ki Astrology / 九星気学

Junishi (12 zodiac animal signs) / 十二支 (干支)

Mythology &Good Luck / 神話と縁起物

Constellation / 星座

Twenty-eight or twenty-seven inns / 二十八宿・二十七宿

Coming Soon!
Spiritual Place / パワースポット
Coming Soon!
Gem Stones / パワーストーン

Coming Soon!
Family crest / 家紋

Coming Soon!
Health Care / ヘルスケア from PY Kobo Aroma & Herbs
Encyclopedia / 事典
Recipes / レシピ
Fun & Yummy Rice Cooker Recipe / 楽しい&美味しい炊飯器レシピ
Certifications / 資格情報
Here are some information of certifications related to aroma and herbs.